Running a successful business means running a workplace free of harassment and discrimination. However, there may be potential workplace issues that come up, making it critical that you are handling it in an appropriate manner. Here is how to properly handle a discrimination or harassment claim in your workplace: Be respectful. When a complaint is brought to your attention, […]
It is important to know whom you can turn to and trust in the event your employment rights have been violated, especially when you have taken the appropriate steps to handle your concern but have not been taken seriously. It is often during these occasions in which employees will ignore their concerns simply because they […]
Sexual harassment cases happen fairly often in today’s workplace. And, since sexual harassment can come in a variety of forms, it is critical to understand if you are being sexually harassed or not. What Does Sexual Harassment Look Like? The most common forms of sexual harassment are as follows: Unwelcome sexual advances made by supervisors or co-workers. Requests […]
Most companies have a process in which an employee must follow when he or she has a workplace concern. Typically, the first person that your concern must be addressed to is your direct supervisor. While many people feel comfortable speaking with their supervisor, many others may not, especially when it comes to addressing concerns like workplace […]
Sexual harassment in the workplace can come in a variety of different forms. Since most people are unsure of what sexual harassment look like, identifying a situation in which there may be sexual harassment it is not always easy. The following are examples of possible sexual harassment situations: Unwanted and continuous requests for dates Sexual advances made by […]
Sexual harassment is a continued issue in today’s workplace, often resulting in one of the most filed complaints and lawsuits against employers. With this being a major violation of employees’ rights, it is important to understand what sexual harassment is, especially since there are two types of sexual harassment violations. Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment Quid Pro Quo […]
On January 1, 2015, there were several employment laws and amendments that were put into effect in order to make the workplace a better environment for it’s employees. “Ban the Box” (Public Act 98-0774)- This law prohibits potential employers from asking information on an application or before an interview in regards to their criminal history until after they […]
It is important that every workplace should be free from sexual harassment or discrimination of any type. All workplaces are required by law to ensure that each and every employee is free from these concerns. However, these cases do happen, and often. Sexual harassment comes in many forms, and is not limited to just sexual acts. […]
In today’s world, where lawsuits have become a common thing, it is important to know whom you can turn to and trust in the event you are filed with a lawsuit. Whether it may be employee issue or an employer issue, an employment lawyer can help you. While there are many reasons to hire an employment lawyer, here […]